An evaluation system is necessary for the proper management of human resources in any organisation. It enables employees to hear the opinions of their supervisors, and provides managers with information on the potential they have at their disposal (through competency evaluations) and the level at which team targets are being achieved (target evaluation).
It is also a tool for building competitive advantage. A company can get an edge on its competitors only when its business goals are being strictly implemented by its employees. And objective measurement of this comes from a properly constructed evaluation system.
The effectiveness of the evaluation system is determined by:
- a clearly formulated goal that evaluation results are to serve
- evaluation criteria and techniques appropriate to the goal
- universality of evaluation, that is, a uniform policy towards all employees
- subject to evaluation
- clarity, transparency and lack of ambiguity in the criteria chosen
- reflection of the specific nature of the business
- understanding and acceptance of the system.
The goal of implementing the evaluation system:
- to increase the effectiveness of work
- to motivate and develop employees
- to take decisions on promotions, dismissals and remuneration.
We offer support with:
- conducting information and implementation training and workshops
- analysing the current evaluation system and identifying ways it can be modified
- preparing assumptions and implementing an evaluation system (procedures, questionnaires, evaluation interviews)
- connecting evaluations with the remuneration system
If you would like more information, please contact us:
Anna Zachariasz-Łobodzińska
Director of the Development and Evaluation Department