A planned, comprehensive programme of advisory and training activities, which is often an integral part of change processes for socially responsible companies. Its aim is to support the employees who were made redundant in entering new employment, while minimising the psychological and social costs involved.
Outplacement at BIGRAM – What is our approach?
- Outplacement programmes are created with the special attention paid to the needs of the Participant and the labour market. We build them on a modular basis, from a wide range of services and tools available at BIGRAM
- We offer a number of development activities (Development Centre, Profile XT, workshops, seminars, coaching sessions)
- We teach how to be proactive in the labour market and in the social media. We build awareness of and openness to different forms of employment
- We cooperate closely with the Participant on building Personal Branding (development of application documents, profiles in the social media and self-presentation for job interviews and networking sessions)
- We assist in reaching out to potential employers and recruiters
- We have up-to-date knowledge of the labour market and trends thanks to our cooperation with BIGRAM recruiters
Bigram international perspective in outplacement projects
Since 2013, we have been a part of a global Career Star Group network along with 770 outplacement companies in more than 70 countries. Within CSG, we exchange best practices, experience and knowledge that have been accumulated in CSG for 46 years.
We work on the international market, providing our Customers with unified and high standards of outplacement services, regardless of the location. The members of the network are implementing projects for more than 7 thousand organisations and more than 100 thousand people per year. More information at: www.careerstargroup.com
We support people on the brink of career change from the following positions: production-related, specialist, middle and senior management as well as top management positions.
When conducting outplacement projects, we flexibly adjust their scope and programme to the needs and expectations of each Customer. We are looking for positive, innovative and optimal solutions in the career change process for each Participant of our programmes.
Individual outplacement
The programme is designed and targeted to support people going through a career change – dismissed persons, jobseekers, and persons changing their career paths. The programme is tailored to the Participant’s needs with the focus on individual consultations / coaching and the use of a variety of development tools (Development Centre, tests, professional image building).
Group outplacement
Outplacement programme for a larger group of employees who are parting ways with the current employer for reasons attributable to the organisation resulting from changes in the company’s business model, structural changes, a merger or cost optimisation.
Group programmes are a standardised offer, with elements customised in terms of professional profiles, industry and possibilities of the local labour market of the Participants.
Executive programme
The Executive Programme is designed to address the needs of top executives facing the challenge of reentering the labour market. The programme is always tailored to the expectations and aspirations of a specific manager and is a combination of advanced career coaching, AC/DC sessions, personal brand building tools and networking support.
Outplacement – benefits for the organisation and the Participant
Outplacement – benefits for the employer:
- Increasing the company’s profitability by supporting the downsizing process with minimum costs and maximum benefits for the dismissed person*
- Sending a positive message to key Talent from the perspective of the organisation, thus ensuring that they remain committed at the current level
- Maintaining high efficiency of the work of employees remaining in the organisation, while ensuring business continuity
- Confirming the opinion of a credible and reliable employer supporting employees in every situation, including the situation of parting ways
- Providing external support in the effective implementation of the change process and its communication, eliminating tension in the organisation related to the downsizing process
- Creating a positive culture of the company that is open to the needs of others, friendly and functions in accordance with the assumptions of business ethics and business standards
- Fulfilling the corporate social responsibility obligation towards employees who are made redundant and their families – CSR
- Protecting the company’s reputation as a responsible business partner
Outplacement – benefits for the employee:
- Preparation for reentering the labour market
- Emotional support during career change
- Audit of previous career and identification of key achievements
- Development of a plan for further professional development
- Development of marketing materials and image in the social media
- Building an effective message to recruiters and potential employers
- Support in networking activities
- Acquisition of the ability to move around the labour market effectively
- Finding new employment which is in line with aspirations and plans for further career in a much shorter period of time