The core of the Development Centre method is observation of participants’ behaviours through the lens of the key competences for a given position. It is one of the most efficient and reliable assessment methods. The assessment is a development tool.
- high precision of assessment
- objective, unprejudiced assessment of competences
- opportunity for professional development and promotion
- raising of participants’ awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses
- precisely defining the competences that are key for the entire company and should be possessed by an employee/candidate for a given position
- ability to observe individuals’ strengths and weaknesses that influence the functioning of the company and implementation of new tasks
- identification of managers with the best competence profile
- comparison of objective competence assessment and self-assessment
- building of adequate development plans, taking into account participant expectations
- significant improvement of competences of managers in areas diagnosed as weaknesses
- planning of development and career paths
- identification of strengths and areas requiring development
- assessment of participants’ development potential
If you would like more information, please contact us:
Anna Zachariasz-Łobodzińska
Director of the Development and Evaluation Department